Wapato Online Academy (WOA) is a web-based educational program. The program provides instructor-led online courses to students. All instructors have a valid state certification in their subject areas. WOA presents students with an interactive learning experience, not a textbook online. All WOA curriculum mirrors the scope and sequence of content taught in Wapato Public Schools.
Wapato Online Academy (WOA) is a web-based educational program. The program provides instructor-led online courses to students. All instructors have a valid state certification in their subject areas. WOA presents students with an interactive learning experience, not a textbook online. All WOA curriculum mirrors the scope and sequence of content taught in Wapato Public Schools.
Participating in WOA is a privilege. Washington state ALE rules govern how students must perform in online courses. Students are required to maintain weekly contact and weekly progress to remain in good standing. If a student has 20 days of no contact and no progress, intervention and/or a drop from the student's online course is required.
"Maintaining contact" means:
- Email exchange with teacher/mentor
- Phone call with teacher/mentor
- Face-to-Face with teacher/mentor